
Koetsu is a prestigious Japanese brand known for its high-end phono cartridges. Renowned for their meticulous craftsmanship and precision, Koetsu cartridges deliver exceptional sound quality, offering a rich, dynamic, and immersive listening experience.

Using high-quality materials like ruby and diamond, Koetsu cartridges are designed to capture every detail of the vinyl groove with accuracy and musicality.

Koetsu continues to be a favorite among audiophiles for its unparalleled performance and craftsmanship in analog audio.



Koetsu moving coil phono cartridges are hand crafted in Japan, with the finest materials available, by second generation master cartridge maker Fumihiko Sugano. These sonic and visual masterpieces are available in limited quantities and are offered by only the most knowledgable audio retailers. 



"The reason is that he wanted to hear more and more through the Urushi. He visits me often enough to know the sound of my system, so we both knew that it was the Urushi (the only change since his last visit) doing something utterly remarkable."

-Hifi News

"I give a huge thumbs up to the Koetsu Black. If you want to step up your turntable game or are just not satisfied with the sound of your records I suggest reading up on and exploring the world of Koetsu Cartridges."

-Steve Huff Photo

"The Koetsu Urushi is hand-built by a skilled artisan who push, pull, and bend thise baby into submission before it reaches your hands. it comes in a cool box, is made from exotic materials, has great snob appeal, and will give you pride of ownership."



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