Schroder Reference Tonearm
Schroder Reference Tonearm
22 Saint Kilda Road
22 Saint Kilda Road
Suite 2.02
St Kilda VIC 3182

Schroeder Reference Tonearm
The Schröder Reference tonearm unquestionably belongs on a prominent pedestal in the very small pantheon of the world’s finest tonearms. Although every Reference incorporates three decades of experience and continuous improvement in design, including Frank Schröder’s unique, patented magnetic bearing, there is no “stock” Schröder Reference. Each unit is made painstakingly by hand by Frank himself to your individual specifications. Expect to wait at least a year, possibly as long as two, for delivery, but you’ll get to confer with Frank on every design detail, like choice of wood for the wand, effective length and mass, wiring, and even optimisation for particular cartridges.
Options for the Reference tonearm (all of the following are included as standard in the Reference SQ):
- Wood/bronze/Certal bearing tower
- Neutral balance bearing geometry
- Cryogenically treated Nordost Valhalla wiring
- Silver cartridge clips and silver RCA plugs
- Finetuning of vertical tracking angle (VTA)
The result will be a true work of art, as magnificent to look at as to listen to. We’d very much enjoy talking to you about designing your Schröder Reference.