Multi room audio

Multi room audio

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Your choice of music, news, podcasts all over your house in all the rooms and spaces that you want to listen in.

What is streaming music?

Streaming music, or more accurately streaming audio, is a way of delivering sound — including music — without requiring you to download files from the internet. Music services like Spotify, TIDAL and Apple Music use this method to provide songs that can be enjoyed on all types of devices.

Music anywhere in your home

You tell me where you want to play music and i have a solution and product for you, In ceiling, outdoors, bedroom, bathroom, conservatory you name it. Ill help you to have music playing all over your home all the time.

All the music at your fingertips

You can listen to all the music in the world and control it from you phone, tablet or PC. It’s done in 3 steps. Which room do you want to listen in?, What Music do you want to listen to? and How loud or quiet do you want it? Some may say this is the future of music - It’s not! It’s the here and now. you may not know that you’re missing out.

Ease of use

There are many music streamers on the market, I only recommend ones that I have tried and tested. They have to make your experience fun and not cause you frustration. Its very important to me that I offer you the most reliable products - These are not the only great products available but helps you with your shortlist.

imagine adding TV sound into your multi room audio

Imagine adding in a sound bar to improve your TV and being able to control the sound from the same app on you phone. then imagine you can be watching the golf and have your favourite music playing instead of the commentator droning on

Create your CD library

You have probably amassed a vast array of CDs over the the years as I have. You can play them through a music streamer too. You only need to copy them onto a hard drive. This is one of my favourite products - The CD ripper . Put the disc in the slot, make a cup of tea , come back and the disc is copied to the inbuilt hard drive and ready for playback on you system. Viola - it is that simple. You just need to to repeat that process 400 times.

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